vendredi 29 avril 2011

Birds - Eyewitness -

Publisher: DK Publishing | (February 4, 2008) | ISBN-10: 0756631335–
PDF | 69 pages | 21.3 MB

The book consists of three chapters and the bird song CD. Whereas chapters two (nonpasserines) and three (passerines) provide basic and interesting information on the biology and geographic occurrence of selected birds representing specific bird orders and/or families, the first chapter touches on more general topics such as form, function, behavior, conservation, extinction, habitats, and ecology.


Astronomy - Eyewitness -

Published by Dorling Kindersley | Publication date : June 2008 | ISBN : 0756637678 | PDF | 72 pages | English | 18.9 MB
Library of Congress: 2008276037

The most trusted nonfiction series on the market, Eyewitness Books provide an in-depth, comprehensive look at their subjects with a unique integration of words and pictures.
Superb full-color photographs of scientific instruments, experiments, and innovative 3-D models reveal the discoveries and research that have transformed our understanding of the Universe. Learn how space probes photograph planets, what causes a meteor shower, what makes Mars red, why the Sun shines, where the Moon came from, how the first telescopes worked, the stages in the life of a star, and more.


World History - Eyewitness -

Author: DK Publishing
Publisher: DK ADULT
Publication Date: 2010-01-18
Paperback: 512 Pages

With more than 10,000 years of history in the palm of your hand, Eyewitness Companion: World History is the ideal one-stop reference for anyone with an interest inhistorical events, personalities, societies, and cultures, from the first flowering of human civilization in prehistoric times to the present day.


Trees - Eyewitness -

DK ADULT | 2005 | ISBN: 0756613590 | 360 pages | PDF | 66 MB
Using the award-winning design of the Eyewitness Travel Guides -combining maps, cutaway views, and specially commissioned photographs-Eyewitness Companions are the ultimate visual handbooks to a wide range of subjects.


Religions - Eyewitness-

Eyewitness Religion 
Eyewitness Books
Author: Myrtle Langley
Featuring an extra-sturdy library binding! Here is a revealing and enlightening new guide to the religions of the world. Superb color photographs give the reader an "eyewitness" insight into the beliefs of different religions and into the lives of their founders and followers. See a Passover meal, a lama's headdress, the Wheel of Existence


jeudi 28 avril 2011

Arms and Armor 
DK Eyewitness Books
Author: Michele ByamDk

In a world where even toy guns are reviled by pacifistic parents there exists the extraordinary Eyewitness Book Arms & Armor. Studying weaponry is an unusual, fascinating angle on human history, as people have always used weapons to hunt, defend themselves, or attack. This intriguing photo essay examines the design, construction, and use of hand weapons and armor--from the Stone Age axe to the revolvers and rifles of the Wild West. 

In the tradition of the Eyewitness series, Arms & Armor begins with a short introduction to prehistoric weapons, accompanied by a photograph-rich spread with fascinating, history-packed, fun-fact-loaded captions. The Los Angeles Times Book Review says the Eyewitness Books are "like a mini-museum between the covers of a book," and they are right! From crude Paleolithic hand axes, we progress to missile weapons; the first warriors (and the effect of the discovery of copper and bronze on tools and weapons); the weapons of the armies of ancient times; weapons from the Dark Ages; European swords; crossbows versuslongbows; axes, daggers, and knives; plate and mail armor; Indian warriors; Japanese samurais; early firearms; flintlock firearms; dueling swords; dueling pistols ("Although illegal, for centuries dueling was a popular way for 'gentlemen' and army officers to settle their quarrels," the section begins); bizarre, extraordinary, seemingly impractical hand weapons; grenadiers and cavalry; pistols; "Guns that won the West"; North American Indian weapons; and, believe it or not, more. This book is sure to find an audience with youngsters obsessed with knights and times medieval, art-history buffs, amateur historians, or anyone with a penchant for pistols. (Ages 9 to 12) --Karin Snelson --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


Eyewitness Books – Ancient Greece

Anne Pearson "DK Eyewitness Books – Ancient Greece" 
Published by Dorling Kindersley | Publication date : June 2007 | ISBN : 0756630029 | PDF | 77 pages | English | 18.7 MB

Ancient Greek culture, which reached its peak in Athens in the 5th century B.C., produced some of the most glorious and fascinating relics of Western civilization. This terrific Eyewitness Book traces ancient Greek achievements from the Bronze Age through the Hellenistic period using evidence found by archaeologists. Greek myths are introduced by way of statues, carvings, and illustrations. 
Like all the books of this series, Ancient Greece is incredibly rich in vivid, colorful photographs, which bring the subject to life. Kids and adults can learn about power and politics in Athens, the legendary Herakles (not quite like the Disney version), temples, and home life. Archaeological evidence shows what life was like for women and children of ancient Greece, what people did for fun, and what their standards of beauty and accomplishment were. It's easy to see how influential this ancient culture has been on modern life, from science and medicine to the Olympic games. Extremely informative, intriguing, and entertaining.



Ancient Rome
By Simon James
brand new hardcover book

The most trusted nonfiction series on the market, Eyewitness Books provide an in-depth, comprehensive look at their subjects with a unique integration of words and pictures. 
Discover one of the world's most fascinating civilizations and the lives of its people through this spectacular and informative guide to the story of ancient Rome. Superb color photographs of Roman armor, tools, jewelry and more give the reader a unique "eyewitness" insight into the history of the Roman Empire.


Ancient Egypt (DK Eyewitness Books)

Hart, George.  Eyewitness: Ancient Egypt.  Alexandria,VA:  DK Publishing, 2000.      

Eyewitness Books' Ancient Egypt continues the tradition of excellent, accurate, and beautiful reference works for kids 9 to 12 years old. Ancient Egyptian civilization holds a special fascination for many, with its mummies, pyramids, and highly stylized artworks. Kids can explore a Pharaoh's tomb, see a mummy up close, and find out about Egyptian gods. Lots of archaeological relics show what life was like for the ancient Egyptians, from how they dressed to the games they played.


Amphibian (Eyewitness Books)

Eyewitness Amphibian 
Eyewitness Books
Author: Barry Clarke
Featuring an extra-sturdy library binding! Frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, and the rare caecilians come in a stunning array of colors, shapes, sizes, and habitats. They live both is water and on land and move in a great variety of ways, from swimming, to hopping, and even flying. With a series of specially commissioned photographs, Eyewitness...


American Revolution (Eyewitness Books)

DK Publishing, "Eyewitness: American Revolution (Eyewitness Books)"
Publisher: DK CHILDREN | 2002 | ISBN: 0789485567 | PDF | 66 pages | 10 MB

Discover how a few brave patriots battled a great empire. Be an eyewitness to the thrilling American war for independence: the battles and leaders, soldiers and heroes, scoundrels and patriots. It's all here in this ultimate visual guide that show you how it really was. See a continental solder's musket, a spy's hollow "silver bullet", Washington's sword, a bullet--riddled battle flag, the Liberty Bell, the Declaration of Independence. Learn why Washington was commander--in--chief, how the Declaration of Independence was written, how Benedict Arnold was at first a patriot hero, how solders were drilled, who the Loyalists were, how France helped win American liberty. Discover how Betsy Ross sewed the Stars and Stripes, the secrets of spies and traitors, why it was Breed's not Bunker Hill, why King George admired Washington, why Yorktown was not the end of the Revolution, and much, much more.
The American war for independence and its aftermath shaped the brand-new nation and provided many of the patriotic heroes and legends that are still celebrated today. In this handsome and informative addition to DK's Eyewitness series, many of the finer details of life during the Revolutionary War are explored, including, of course, the political backdrop, powerful leaders such as the young George Washington, and dramatic battles. This is no dry textbook, however. Readers will also discover exactly what kind of clothing soldiers wore, and see actual photos of weapons, snuff boxes, restored original fighting vessels, and the silver inkstand used by Congressional delegates as they signed the Declaration of Independence. Spy methods are described, Loyalists and patriots are defined, and the symbols and songs of war and freedom are explained. Even a subject as old and oft-told as the American Revolution is made fresh by D.K.'s compelling photos and enlightening text. Appetite whetted for more war stories? Take a look at these titles in the Eyewitness reference collection: World War II, Civil War, and Battle.

Link :

Arctic Antarctic (Eyewitness Books)

Arctic Antarctic 
Eyewitness Books
Author: Barbara Taylor
Publication Date: 4/25/1995 / Pages: 63

Enter the faraway world of the Earth's frozen poles and learn about amazing human and animal life that thrives at subzero temperatures--from a 4,000-year-old Eskimo tribe to king penguins, who dive deep into frigid seas filled with icebergs the size of Massachusetts.  

Link : 

lundi 25 avril 2011

МУХАММАД и КУРАЙШИТЫ - История войны и мира -

С огромным удовольствием публикуем работу о прославленной жиз-ни Пророка Мухаммада, написанную доктором Закарией Баширом, автором многих книг об Исламе и Пророке, получивших широкое признание как среди ученых, так и у простых читателей. Книги Башира основываются на подлинных арабских источниках и показывают его знание и последних работ в этой области. Успешно и активно изучая различные аспекты и стороны жизни Пророка, Закария Башир доказывает, что жить и поступать, как Пророк, возможно и в нашей жизни. Его книги, таким образом, превосходят обычные работы по данной тематике, представляющие собой, в основном, фактическое описание жизни и достижений Пророка.
Книги Закарии Башира ближе знакомят нас с этим достойным под-ражания человеком, с его учением, делающим нашу жизнь богаче, с его благородными сподвижниками и, в первую очередь, с благословенной миссией Ислама. Читая его книги, мы получаем ясное представление о том, как Коран и наставления Пророка помогли превратить бедуи-нов Аравии в воплощение добродетели, дисциплины и сильной власти. Работы Закарии Башира позволяют лучше узнать скромного Пророка Мухаммада $5 и его самоотверженных сподвижников, которые, ни се-кунды не колеблясь, жертвовали всем, что у них было, ради Аллаха и торжества Ислама.
Эта последняя работа автора, сохраняющая все лучшие черты его ра-бот по сире (жизнеописанию Пророка Мухаммада), является особенно актуальной, так как утверждает мирный дух Ислама, опровергая ошибочное представление о том, что эта религия якобы связана с насилием. Еще более удивительно то, что эта книга опровергает заявление востоковедов о несоответствии между мекканским и мединским периодами жизни Пророка. В словах и делах Пророка никогда не было несоответствий, ведь он проповедовал и претворял в жизнь идеалы мирного сосуществования и свободы вероисповедания как в Мекке, так и в Медине. Исследуя историю взаимоотношений Пророка и многобожников-курайшитов, автор приходит к выводу, что мирное сосуществование Ислама с другими религиями — это правило, а война — лишь исключение. Только в случае самозащиты либо когда речь идет о противостоянии правителям-тиранам Ислам оправдывает войну. Все основные сражения на ранних этапах распространения
Ислама рассмотрены автором в контексте мусульманского учения о войне и мире. В этом же свете им изучена история мирных договоров и делегаций, которые Пророк направлял к разным правителям. В общем, это важный труд по сире, за который Закария Башир заслуживает нашей благодарности и признательности.
Настоящий труд по праву можно считать завершающим три прежние работы этого ученого по сире, дающих полную картину удивительной жизни Пророка и его роли в истории.
Я же, пользуясь возможностью, хочу поблагодарить издательскую группу Фонда, за обеспечение публикации этой книги. Пусть Аллах вознаградит всех, кто помог в ее создании, и даст нам возможность быть похожими на Пророка. Аминь.
28 рамадана 1426 г. х. М. Маназир Ахсан
31 октября 2005 P. X. Главный директор

Link :

dimanche 24 avril 2011

Technical English : Vocabulary and Grammar

By : Alison Pohl, Nick Brieger

Publisher: Summertown Publishing Ltd

Pages: 152, Date: 2002-11-01

ISBN-10 : 1902741765, Size : 32 Mb Type PDF

"Technical English, Vocabulary and Grammar" aims to help you increase your knowledge of technical English and develop your vocabulary and grammar. By working through the materials you should become more accurate and more appropriate in a range of key technical contexts. The book can be used on your own (self-access) or in class (as part of a course).

A reference and practice book for learners of technical English at intermediate level and above, it includes: 30 units covering key technical vocabulary drawn from professional activities; company profiles - automotive, pharmaceutical, mining and telecoms; 20 units reviewing core grammar in technical contexts; and a 1500 key technical terms glossary.Review:

Excellent intermediate reference for ESL teacher. Each double page spread consists of a page introducing technical vocabulary and a page of exercises.
20+ topics include IT, production, quality control, chemical, cars, health & safety. At the back there is a section of grammar exercises, a glossary and the answer key. Perfect for a teacher teaching in different types of companies.

Link :

mardi 19 avril 2011

Photographing New York City Digital Field Guide

Jeremy Pollack, Andy Williams, "Photographing New York City Digital Field Guide" 
W..ey | 2010 | ISBN: 0470586850 | 320 pages | PDF | 29,8 MB

Take memorable photos of the most popular attractions in the Big Apple!

Whether using a point-and-shoot or a high-end dSLR, this companion guide provides you with detailed information for taking amazing shots of one of one of the world's most photographed cities. Whether you aim to capture the regal Empire State Building, vibrant Times Square, historic Grand Central Station, massive Central Park, or one of New York City's many other landmarks, this portable resource goes where you go and walks you through valuable tips and techniques for taking the best shot possible.

You'll discover suggested locations for taking photos, recommended equipment, what camera settings to use, best times of day to photograph specific attractions, how to handle weather challenges, and more. In addition, beautiful images of New York City's most breathtaking attractions and recognizable landmarks serve to both inspire and assist you as you embark on an amazing photographic adventure!
Elevates your photography skills to a new level with photography secrets from professional photographer and SmugMug COO, Andy Williams
Presents clear, understandable tips and techniques that span all skill levels, using all types of digital cameras, from full-featured compact cameras to high end DSLRs
Features New York City's main attractions in alphabetical order as well as thumb tabs on the pages so you can quickly and easily access the information you are looking for
Shares detailed information and insight on critical topics, such as ideal locations to photograph from, the best time of day to shoot, camera equipment to have handy, weather conditions, and optimal camera settings to consider

Whether you're a local familiar with the territory or a visitor seeing the Big Apple for the first time, this handy guide will help you capture fantastic photos!

Link :

lundi 18 avril 2011

A Kid's Guide to the People and Places of America: State-by-state Atlas

Justine Ciovacco, Kathleen A. Feeley, Kristen Behren, "A Kid's Guide to the People and Places of America: State-by-state Atlas" 
DK | 2003 | ISBN: 0789497921 | 128 pages | PDF | 51,6 MB

Arranged regionally to give readers an overview of the distinct areas of the country, the State-by-State Atlas creates a clear and easy to understand way of learning American geography and culture. Each state's landscape, industry, agriculture, population, history, and folkways are explored in a vibrant information book children will want to use throughout their school age years.

This visually attractive guide to the states divides the nation into seven major regions. For each area, a short time line lists events as diverse as the Battle of Gettysburg and the completion of Mt. Rushmore. The spread for each state offers information on the bird, flower, tree, population, ranking in statehood, and land area. Two paragraphs of general description and history introduce the state, while additional bits of information in caption form are provided. A short profile of a historical figure or current celebrity is included, such as Madonna from Michigan and Susan B. Anthony from New York. Colorful maps, photos, and drawings alternate with the scattered text. As a supplemental source for state reports, this is an adequate work. Most online encyclopedias or state sites will provide more comprehensive information. School Library Journal

Divided by regions. Full color. Great pictures. Insets with state facts and color pictures of flower, bird, flag, and tree.

Link :

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen R. Covey, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" 
Fr.e Press | 2004 | ISBN: 0743269519 | 384 pages | PDF | 1,6 MB

In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity -- principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.


Learning to Teach English: A Practical Introduction for New Teachers

Peter Watkins, "Learning to Teach English: A Practical Introduction for New Teachers" 
D.lta Publishing E.LT | 2005 | ISBN: 0000 | 144 pages | PDF | 109 MB

The book covers the essentials of classroom management, teaching vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, reading, writing and pronunciation. There are also chapters on error correction, learner independence, learner variation, planning (including several full lesson plans), teaching in different contexts (ESOL, one-to-one, business, and young learners, and professional development. The appendices contain a summary of terminology to describe grammar, and also the form and main uses of many verb patterns. The book is ideal for people enrolling on, or following a Cambridge CELTA course, a Trinity College London certificate in TESOL course or any other pre-service EFL course.

samedi 2 avril 2011

1000 Ежедневных суннатов

 Карточка материала
    Название: 1000 Ежедневных суннатов
    Язык: Русский
    Источник :
    Краткое описание: Поистине, самое главное, чему должен уделять внимание мусульманин в своей повседневной жизни - следование сунне пророка, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует, во всех своих движениях, словах и действиях, чтобы вся его жизнь, с утра до вечера, была основана на сунне пророка, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует.

Мин мөселман

    Исем: Мин мөселман
    Материалның теле: Татарча
    Кыскача мәгълүмат: Бу кыска гына китап балалар өчен динебезне, өммәтебезне вә милләтебезне күтәрүгә бер сәбәп булсын дип әзерләнде.

    Ничә тапкыр каралган: 60
    Өстәү датасы: Mar 14,2011
    Беркетелгән файллар : 1

    LINK :

vendredi 1 avril 2011

Смысловой перевод Корана с комментариями шейха Абдуррахмана Саади

                                                               Карточка материала

    Название: Смысловой перевод Корана с
     комментариями шейха Абдуррахмана Саади
    Язык: Русский
    Переводчик : Эльмир Кулиев
    Краткое описание: Священный Коран - Смысловой перевод с комментариями шейха Абдуррахмана Саади.
     : عربي
    Колличество просмотров: 3314
    Дата добавления: Dec 21,2010
    Приложение к материалу : 3

    Смысловой перевод с комментариями шейха Абдуррахмана

    16.5 MB

    Смысловой перевод с комментариями шейха Абдуррахмана :

    Смысловой перевод с комментариями шейха Абдуррахмана
    23.2 MB

samedi 5 mars 2011

The Scientific American Brave New Brain

Judith Horstman, Scientific American | Jossey-Bass | 208 pages | 2010-04-05 | ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0470376244 | ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780470376249 |
This fascinating and highly accessible book presents fantastic but totally feasible projections of what your brain may be capable of in the near future. It shows how scientific breakthroughs and amazing research are turning science fiction into science fact. In this brave new book

Encyclopedia of Revolutionary America

Paul A. Gilje, "Encyclopedia of Revolutionary America, 3-Volume Set" 
Facts on File | 2010 | ISBN: 0816065055 | 1200 pages | File type: PDF | 21,3 mb

The American Revolution is one of the most studied time periods in U.S. history and a substantial part of the history curriculum in schools. The new three-volume Encyclopedia of Revolutionary America is the definitive reference to everything students need to know about this pivotal moment in American history. Written by a preeminent scholar in the field, with a foreword by the esteemed Gary B. Nash, this comprehensive A-to-Z encyclopedia not only includes discussion of the continental U.S., but contains coverage of the Atlantic world and the North American continent as well. Black-and-white illustrations, an index, and appendixes round out the insightful resource.